Understanding Tennessee’s Short-Term Disability Options

The most crucial Tennessee laws regarding short-term or temporary disability relate to whether the state or federal government requires coverage.

You cannot apply for benefits unless you have coverage before becoming sick, hurt, or pregnant.

Short-term disability covering non-occupational (off-the-job) illnesses and injuries is voluntary. You must enroll in coverage before filing a claim for benefits.

Temporary disability covering occupational losses of any duration and off-the-job maladies lasting twelve months or longer are mandatory. You only have to file a claim for benefits if your condition fits these narrow categories.

Short-Term Disability in Tennessee

Tennessee laws do not require employers to purchase or provide short-term disability insurance covering non-occupational (off-the-job) accidents and illnesses. Therefore, applying could mean three different things.

  1. Completing an application to buy a new policy
  2. Filing a claim for benefits if you already have coverage
  3. Finding alternative benefits if you do not qualify

Other Benefits

You cannot apply for short-term disability benefits in Tennessee unless you purchase a policy covering off-the-job accidents and illnesses beforehand. You may need to find alternatives if you do not have coverage already.

Free government money for personal bills becomes viable when dealing with a disability, as many benefit programs hinge on your projected household income, not what you earned in the past. Find help reducing everyday expenses for food, energy, communications, repairs, etc.

Private Workers

Private workers can purchase short-term disability insurance if their employer offers it. However, no Tennessee law requires employers to offer this option.

Buying individual policies outside of employers is a fallback option. The coverage costs more, and the application process is more intensive. However, private workers can at least insure their income if they are healthy enough to qualify.

Federal Employees

Federal government employees working in Tennessee can purchase coverage at work voluntarily. Establish a payroll allotment to fund the monthly premiums and take advantage of group underwriting standards.

Federal employee short-term disability benefits depend on the choices made when enrolling, as three critical features determine the monthly premiums.

  1. Elimination Period
  2. Monthly Amount
  3. Benefit Period

State Workers

Tennessee offers short-term disability insurance to full-time state government and higher education employees through MetLife. Eligible workers pay 100% of the premiums through after-tax payroll deductions.

Apply for coverage by contacting MetLife online or by calling 855.700.8001. File a claim for benefits by logging into your account through their online customer portal.

Some county (Shelby) and City (Nashville and Memphis) government workers may also have similar options through MetLife and other insurance companies. Contact your Human Resources department for details.

How Short-Term Disability Works

The most critical aspect of how short-term disability works in Tennessee is the absence of any law requiring coverage for off-the-job accidents and illnesses. You must buy a policy before getting sick, hurt, or pregnant to file a claim for benefits.

Pay Amount

Employees in Tennessee determine the amount short-term disability pays when they enroll in coverage. The answer is unique to each individual.

Most people receive nothing for two prominent reasons.

  1. They did not purchase coverage in time
  2. Preexisting health condition exclusions apply

Our payout calculator illustrates how a policy might work for people who purchased the coverage in advance. You will receive the smallest of three amounts.

  • Two-thirds of your full-time income at the time of enrollment
  • The issuing company imposes a fixed monthly benefit limit
  • The monthly benefit chosen at enrollment based on the premium cost

Benefit Length

In Tennessee, short-term disability benefits last as long as you cannot perform the duties of your full-time occupation or the benefit period stated in the policy – whichever is shorter.

Monthly premium costs hinge on three policy variables. When enrolling in coverage, employees determine the maximum duration, the elimination period, and the monthly amount.

Maternity Leave

Short-term disability in Tennessee covers maternity leave when purchased before conception. Once you are pregnant, signing up will be pointless. All insurance carriers include a preexisting clause excluding benefits for twelve months.

Tennessee’s maternity leave laws do not provide wage support. Therefore, buying coverage before conception is essential. You do not want to face a claim denial due to a preexisting pregnancy.

When purchased before conception, a policy may cover several maternity-related medical conditions.

  • Complications of pregnancy before birth
  • Recovery from childbirth (labor and delivery)
  • Postpartum medical disorders delaying a return to work

Temporary Disability in Tennessee

Applying for temporary disability benefits in Tennessee is more straightforward because laws require two coverage sets. Therefore, you only have to take proactive steps when filing a claim for benefits.

  1. Occupational (on-the-job) accidents and illnesses of any duration
  2. Non-occupational (off-the-job) disabilities last one year or longer

Social Security

Federal law requires participation in the Social Security program, which covers non-occupational temporary disabilities lasting twelve months or longer. Workers and employers share premium costs through FICA payroll taxes.

If you cannot work due to an off-the-job accident or illness, apply for disability benefits online at Social Security. As their definition indicates, you do not have to have a permanent medical condition to qualify!

“To meet our definition of disability, you must not be able to engage in any substantial gainful activity (SGA) because of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s) that is either:

  • Expected to result in death
  • Has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months.”

Workers’ Compensation

Tennessee law requires employers to purchase Workers’ Compensation Insurance, which provides temporary disability benefits for occupational (on-the-job) accidents and illnesses.

Apply for temporary disability benefits through Workers’ Compensation by reporting an injury to your supervisor immediately. Then, file a claim with the insurance company chosen by your employer. Your Human Resources manager should have this information.

You might be eligible for several types of benefits.

  • Medical treatment
  • Transportation expenses
  • Temporary wage replacement