Free Programs to Help Senior Citizens with Home Repairs

Yes, many free programs help senior citizens with home repairs. Learn where to find them, as the names are not always evident.

Older adults may have purchased their residences decades ago. Over time, plumbing, lighting systems, windows, doors, and roofing break down.

Timely repairs can help seniors live independently longer, but the expensive projects are hard to afford on fixed retirement incomes.

Attack the problem from multiple angles to uncover all the possibilities for making your home safer and more accessible without breaking the bank.

Free Home Repair for Seniors

Senior citizens can often find free home repair opportunities lurking in hidden corners. This section covers several indirect pathways that you might not find elsewhere.

Free Money

Free money for seniors to fix up their homes could be available. Older adults can take advantage of various government benefits that stretch their budgets further.

Seniors over 60 might receive government benefits to support food, clothing, transportation, entertainment, and shelter purchases. They could use the savings to fund home repairs or renovations that do not meet health, safety, and energy efficiency criteria.

For instance, foundation cracks, plumbing leaks, and bathroom remodeling fall outside the scope of the programs outlined in the section below.

Free Grants

Free home repair grants for senior citizens require expectation setting. The government rarely awards grants to individuals for personal use, except with the Section 504 program (see below). Instead, the funding typically flows to state agencies and nonprofit organizations to foster a public good.

Home repair incentives are often available locally through a state agency or designated contractor. Senior citizens who meet the low-income criteria through fixed retirement benefits usually qualify.

Apply for these grants through the recipients.


Nonprofit organizations sometimes offer free home repairs for seniors. The funding comes from donors concerned about their health and safety, or they may receive government grants to finance their mission.

Find local churches that help with home repairs. These private nonprofit organizations often prioritize handyman-type assistance for older adults on fixed retirement incomes. They dedicate some resources to health and safety issues, such as removing trip hazards and mitigating air quality problems.


Senior citizens enrolled in specific Medicare Advantage Plans might qualify for free home repairs through the Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI) program.

(SSBCI), available through many Medicare Advantage Plans, will sometimes include benefits for structural home modifications that minimize risks for future hospitalizations and adverse health events.

Lower-cost bathroom remodeling projects are one possible outcome of the SSBCI benefit. A qualifying project might include renovations to prevent falls (grab bars, walk-in tubs or showers, elevated toilets) or mold remediation to improve air quality.

Senior Home Repair Programs

Several government programs directly provide senior citizens with financial assistance for home repairs. These initiatives address specific projects or reasons.

Seniors often qualify for low-income home repair assistance. Many older adults are retired, living on fixed social security benefits, and meeting the federal poverty guidelines.  

Federal Programs

The federal government operates several programs that help seniors with expensive home repairs, address health and safety issues, and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.

Section 504

The USDA Section 504 program helps with home repair for senior citizens over 62 living in designated rural areas. You can use the assistance to modernize your residence or remove health and safety hazards.

  • $40,000 Loan: Improve any aspect of your home
  • $10,000 Grant: Remove health and safety hazards only

Apply for Section 504 by completing Form RD 410-4. To qualify, you must meet these criteria.

  • Reside in an eligible rural area (not metropolitan)
  • Be the homeowner and occupy the house
  • Be unable to obtain affordable credit elsewhere
  • Have a household income under the county limit
  • Unable to repay a repair loan

Weatherization Assistance

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) helps senior citizens with home repairs when their fixed retirement benefits place them below 200% of the federal poverty level, and they meet one of two additional requirements.

  1. The savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) exceeds a minimum threshold for energy-efficient upgrades.
  2. The Health and Safety measures significantly reduce fires, falls, and poor air quality risks.

Apply for WAP benefits at your local state agency. A certified local contractor will conduct an extensive home energy audit and recommend suitable upgrades.

WAP-approved energy-efficient projects could include the following:

  1. Addition of insulation and weather stripping
  2. Drafty window and door upgrades
  3. Leaky roof repair and replacement

Energy Assistance

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) will sometimes help seniors repair their residences when the project reduces their future gas and electric bills.

Apply for LIHEAP through your state agency with an understanding that the program focuses on lowering utility bills. Therefore, LIHEAP-approved projects are more likely to support equipment upgrades connecting electric outlets and gas pipes.


The Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) supports a home repair assistance program for seniors to correct damage caused by a presidentially declared disaster, such as hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, etc.

Apply for FEMA disaster assistance benefits online. Of course, you do not have to be over a specific age to qualify. The funding could help fix damage not covered by insurance to make the home safe, sanitary, and fit to occupy.

Local Programs

State and city governments sometimes fund and administer separate home repair programs for senior citizens over a specific age who reside in their jurisdictions. Below are several that we were able to find.

New York

The New York State RESTORE program provides financial resources to assist senior citizen homeowners aged sixty and over with the cost of addressing emergencies and code violations that threaten their health and safety or affect the livability of their homes.

North Carolina

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency funds many local government and nonprofit partners. These organizations, in turn, help low-income seniors correct housing conditions that threaten their lives or safety, and accessibility modifications can help you to remain in your home after an injury or severe illness.

Washington DC

The Washington DC SFRRP initiative (Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Program) provides two generous grants. Senior citizens often meet the qualifying criteria.

  • $20,000 for roof repairs
  • $30,000 for accessibility improvements

Seniors might be eligible if they own and occupy their residence, are current on district and federal taxes and mortgage payments, possess homeowner’s insurance, and meet income guidelines.

Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Handyworker Program provides up to $5,000 towards home repairs to improve safety, security, and comfort for homeowners over 62. Projects include wheelchair ramps, disabled access toilets, handrails, quick releases for bars on windows, ground-fault circuit-interrupter outlets, and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

San Francisco

The San Francisco Senior Home Repair Program provides up to $50,000 through a forgivable loan to low-to-moderate-income homeowners residing in historically distressed and underserved neighborhoods. The money can be used for roof and HVAC repairs and accessibility improvements.


The Philadelphia Senior Housing Assistance Repair Program (SHARP) provides minor repairs and modifications to make residences safer and more secure for income-eligible homeowners aged 60 and older living in the city.

DeKalb County GA

The Special Purpose Home Repair Program assists DeKalb County seniors (aged 62 and over) in remediating critical conditions that threaten the subsistence of their homes or present threats to health or safety due to hazardous and unsanitary conditions.