Rhode Island Parental Leave: Eligibility and Benefits Guide

Regarding parental leave in Rhode Island, you may be wondering about the duration and specifics of the available options.

Understanding the different laws can help you plan and prepare for the arrival of your new family member.

Mothers have more extensive maternity leave benefits, and six distinct programs might provide income replacement or legal job rights.

Fathers have fewer paternity leave benefits as only four of the six programs provide income support or protect men’s jobs.

It’s essential to know your options and rights regarding parental leave. Make the best decisions for your family’s needs.

RI Maternity Leave Duration

The length of maternity leave in Rhode Island varies because each mother has different pregnancy and childbirth experiences, and up to six distinct benefits might apply depending on eligibility.

Maternity Leave Pay

Paid maternity leave benefits in Rhode Island typically last twelve to fourteen weeks but can continue for up to thirty-six weeks if the mom experiences medical problems before or after birth. Two programs combine to replace a portion of income.


Maternity leave pay benefits through the Rhode Island Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) program typically last six to eight weeks. Still, they can continue for as long as thirty weeks when the mom cannot work because of a pregnancy-related medical condition.

Apply for Rhode Island TDI benefits to replace a portion of your income when your doctor requires you to stop working for a covered medical condition.

  • Pregnancy complications before childbirth
  • Recovery from labor and delivery
    • Vaginal birth: six weeks
    • C-section birth: eight weeks
  • Postpartum disorders delaying a return to work


Maternity leave pay benefits through the Rhode Island Temporary Caregivers Insurance) TCI program lasts six weeks so that mothers can bond with their newborn babies, adopted children, or foster kids.

Apply for Rhode Island TCI benefits to replace a portion of income after recovering from childbirth and any postpartum medical problems. You can extend your paid time off by maximizing the TDI program first.

Federal Workers

Rhode Island mothers working as civilian federal government employees enjoy paid maternity leave benefits at 100% of income lasting up to eight weeks.

The Federal Employee Paid Leave Act covers workers with twelve months of service, logging at least 1,250 hours in connection with a child’s birth or placement (for adoption or foster care).

Maternity Leave Job Protections

Legal job protections for Rhode Island mothers taking maternity leave can last up to thirteen weeks depending on the mom’s eligibility under three closely related laws providing similar rights.

  • Unpaid absence from work
  • Reinstatement to the same or equivalent position
  • Continuation of fringe benefits under the same terms
  • Shelter from discrimination or retaliation

Rhode Island PFMLA

Eligible Rhode Island mothers enjoy thirteen weeks of legal job protection when they cannot work because of their incapacity due to pregnancy or while bonding with their babies under the state-enacted Parental and Family Medical Leave Act (RIPFMLA).

Apply for RIPFMLA by notifying your employer at least thirty days before the commencement of your expected time off unless an emergency (pregnancy complications) prevents you from doing so.

You are eligible for thirteen weeks of time off if you meet these criteria.

  • Your employer has fifty or more employees
  • You work an average of thirty hours per week
  • You have been continuously employed for twelve months

Federal FMLA

Rhode Island mothers ineligible for RIPFMLA might enjoy twelve weeks of maternity time if they qualify under the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The hours worked FMLA criteria are more lenient.

Apply for pregnancy disability FMLA by completing form WH-380-F (Family Member’s Serious Health Condition). Have your doctor sign the paperwork indicating the medical reason you cannot work before your due date or after. Submit the document to your employer.

Women giving birth do not need to submit FMLA paperwork to take time off to bond with their baby, as it should be obvious. However, adoptive or foster parents may need to demonstrate a legal family relationship.  

Some mothers working part-time hours will qualify for FMLA but not RIPFMLA.

  • FMLA: 1,250 hours in the last twelve months equals 24 hours per week
  • RIPFMLA: 30 hours per week average equals 1,560 over the previous twelve months

RI Pregnancy Accommodation

Rhode Island mothers working for small businesses may qualify for a maternity leave of a reasonable length under the state-specific Pregnancy Accommodation law.

FMLA and RIPFMLA cover employers with at least fifty employees, whereas the Pregnancy Accommodation law applies to businesses with four or more workers.

Apply for Pregnancy Accommodation by learning your legal rights under the law and explaining to your employer why it is reasonable to provide time off to recover from childbirth.

RI Paternity Leave Duration

The paternity leave for Rhode Island fathers is shorter because dads do not become pregnant and deliver babies, and only three of the five benefit programs apply to men.

Paternity Leave Pay

Paid paternity leave pay through the Rhode Island Temporary Caregivers Insurance) TCI program lasts six weeks. Fathers can use TCI to bond with their newborn, adopted, or foster babies. They can also care for their wives suffering pregnancy complications.

Apply for Rhode Island TCI benefits to replace a portion of income during your paternity leave, provided that you contributed to the system through payroll taxes. Exceptions might include the following.

  • Federal, state, and some municipal employees
  • Self-employed gig workers

Fathers working for the federal government receive income support through a separate program available to all parents regardless of gender.

Paternity Leave Job Rights

Legal job protections for Rhode Island fathers taking paternity leave can last up to thirteen weeks depending on the dad’s eligibility under two closely related laws providing similar rights.

  • Thirteen weeks: eligible under RIPFMLA
  • Twelve weeks: qualify under the federal FMLA

The Pregnancy Accommodation law does not apply to fathers. Therefore, dads working for small businesses with fewer than fifty employees cannot request reasonable time off under the regulation.