Non-Surgical Routes to Pregnancy Post-Tubal Ligation

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could naturally get pregnant after tubal ligation and avoid the expense, health risks, and anxiety associated with an invasive medical intervention?

Of course, it would be terrific!

Circumstances change. One day, you want your childbearing days in the rearview mirror, so you undergo permanent sterilization. Then, years later, you want to bless a new spouse with a baby.

Unfortunately, you probably need expensive medical treatment to restore fertility unless the previous operation fails.

Find four ways to minimize the costs of these pricey procedures and avoid relying on good fortune or Mother Nature.

Pregnant With Tubes Tied

There are two reliable ways to get pregnant with your fallopian tubes tied. However, both approaches will prove costly because health insurance often excludes benefits for patients with previous voluntary sterilizations.

Fortunately, couples can sometimes find ways to minimize their expenses through the tax code, grants, and other methods.

With Reversal

Reversal surgery is the obvious way to get pregnant after tubal ligation. However, the operative procedure is expensive, ranging in price from $5,000 to $15,000, putting it out of reach of many couples.

Plus, all health insurance plans exclude coverage for the procedure after previous voluntary sterilization – unless you can demonstrate a medically necessary reason. Therefore, most couples should expect to foot the entire bill themselves.

You probably cannot get your tubes untied for free, but grants could reduce your costs to a more manageable figure. Learn how to utilize the tax code and income support programs to make having another baby more affordable.  

Without Reversal

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the only reliable way to get pregnant after tubal ligation without reversal surgery. However, IVF is extremely expensive, costing about $15,000 per cycle without guaranteeing success.

Plus, health insurance will exclude benefits for IVF after previous voluntary sterilization. Therefore, couples should expect to pay the entire cost.

Free IVF grants and financial assistance could reduce your upfront expenses significantly, making it more affordable to conceive without reversal surgery. Once again, the tax code and income supports offer the most reliable way to make bringing home another baby fit your budget.  

Reverse Tubal Ligation Naturally

Attempting to reverse tubal ligation naturally holds the promise of nominal costs but is an unreliable way to get pregnant. Don’t allow success stories to give you a false sense of hope, as your odds are extremely low.

Finding two additional cost-saving alternatives could prove more effective than relying on Mother Nature to work her magic.

Home Remedies

Trying out home remedies is a cheap way to get naturally pregnant with your tubes severed and cauterized. Most couples can easily afford this method, but it will unlikely help you conceive.

Re-growing fallopian tubes with natural home remedies such as ginger, castor oil, vitamin C, or Mucinex is unlikely to succeed. Ignore any so-called true stories of these concoctions working, as they were probably due to chance or coincidence (see below).

Tubal reversal under $3,000 in your area is possible if you combine grants with a Health Savings Account (HSA). An HSA allows couples to pay for the procedure with pre-tax dollars, saving many up to 39% off the sticker price.

By Chance

Random luck is the only way to get pregnant naturally after a surgeon cuts, ties, and burns your fallopian tubes. However, you cannot rely on chance alone because the success odds are very low.

The overall ten-year failure rate of tubal ligation is 1.85%, which varies slightly by the type of sterilization procedure the surgeon uses.

  • Laparoscopic Hulka clip
  • Monopolar coagulation
  • Postpartum salpingectomy

In other words, your fallopian tubes are unlikely to untie themselves and reattach spontaneously. Medical intervention is the only reliable alternative to restore your ability to conceive.

Payment plans for tubal reversal could make the procedure fit into your budget. Many couples lack the cash to pay the surgeon upfront but can afford to restore their fertility with smaller monthly installments spread over time.