Understanding Indiana’s Short-Term Disability Options

As elsewhere, you must already have coverage before getting sick, hurt, or pregnant to apply for short-term or temporary disability benefits in Indiana.

State government employees have automatic short-term disability coverage for non-occupational (off-the-job) losses lasting less than one year. At the same time, most workers in private industry must purchase a policy proactively.

Meanwhile, temporary disability coverage is ubiquitous when defined as non-occupational conditions lasting one year or longer or on-the-job accidents and illnesses. The government requires participation in two programs: Social Security and Workers Compensation.

Find the correct applications for your situation, including alternative assistance if you do not qualify for income support.

Short-Term Disability In Indiana

Applying for short-term disability benefits in Indiana is a challenge for many workers because state laws do not require a program covering non-occupational (off-the-job) losses lasting less than one year for people working for private employers.

To qualify for benefits, workers in the private sector must buy a policy from an insurance company before becoming sick, hurt, or pregnant.

General Assistance

Since many people cannot apply for short-term disability benefits in Indiana unless they purchase a policy in advance, you might need to identify other assistance to help you survive.

Free government money for individuals is unrealistic, but qualifying for benefits to reduce household expenses is viable. Many of these programs base qualifications on your projected income, which will be much lower now that you cannot work because of an accident or illness.

New Policy

Apply for a new short-term disability policy through a private insurance company before you have a pre-existing health condition to qualify for income support when you cannot work.

To start the process, obtain a customized insurance estimate. An insurance agent licensed in Indiana may contact you to present pricing and take your application. The agent will ask health-related questions and submit the paperwork to the insurance company for underwriting review.

Private Employer

Employees at private companies apply for short-term disability benefits after suffering a non-occupational injury or sickness by completing the claim form published by the insurance company that issued your policy.

Follow the instructions carefully to avoid unnecessary delays in processing your claim. Make sure to sign the form where indicated and obtain two additional signatures:

  • Employer verifies that you are not working
  • The doctor certifies the disabling medical condition

State Government

State government employees in Indiana can successfully apply for short-term disability coverage because they automatically have it. Public workers with six months of continuous full-time service split the premium costs with the relevant agency.

Apply for state disability program benefits by completing the claim form. If your work absence lasts over thirty days, download and submit a claim for the long-term disability plan.

Of course, these programs are only available for eligible state government employees.

How The Coverage Works

Many people want to know how short-term disability insurance works in Indiana. Because the state does have a law requiring the funding of premiums, workers in the private industry must buy a policy from a private insurance company covering off-the-job maladies.

Pregnancy Leave

Short-term disability for maternity leave works the same way in Indiana as nationwide. You must buy a policy before conception to qualify for benefits. Once you are already pregnant, it will be too late to take advantage.

Indiana maternity leave is unpaid for most parents working in the private sector. At the same time, eligible state government employees receive up to 150 hours of compensated time off courtesy of taxpayers without an equivalent benefit.

In other words, buy a policy if you work for a private employer. Coverage that begins before conception might honor claims for several pregnancy-related job absences.

  • Pregnancy disability leave before childbirth
  • Recovery from labor and delivery
  • Postpartum medical complications that delay mom’s return to work

Surgical Procedures

Short-term disability for surgery works the same way in Indiana as nationwide. To avoid pre-existing condition exclusions, you must buy a policy from a private insurance company before your surgeon recommends the operative procedure.

Your policy may cover surgery when medically necessary, provided your recovery lasts longer than the elimination period stated in your policy. The elimination period defines how quickly benefits begin after a covered loss.

Benefit Duration

The length of short-term disability in Indiana is the lesser of two variables: the benefit period stated in your policy and how long you cannot perform the duties of your full-time occupation.

The monthly premium costs depend on the benefit period chosen during the new policy application process and other features such as the monthly amount and elimination period.

Therefore, your policy documents address how long short-term disability lasts. Reach into your filing cabinet to review the paperwork.

Temporary Disability In Indiana

More workers find success when applying for temporary disability benefits in Indiana because government law requires the funding of premiums for two programs addressing less common losses.

Social Security

The federal government requires employees in Indiana to fund premiums for Social Security Disability Insurance, which covers temporary non-occupational (off-the-job) injuries and illnesses expected to last at least one year.

Social Security covers disabilities ending before age 65. Do not assume that this program exclusively covers permanent conditions. Instead, rely on the SSA definition.

“To meet our definition of disability, you must not be able to engage in any substantial gainful activity (SGA) because of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s) that is either:

  • Expected to result in death
  • Has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period of at least 12 months”

Worker’s Compensation

The state government in Indiana requires employers to purchase Worker’s Compensation Insurance on behalf of employees. This insurance covers occupational (on-the-job) losses of any duration.

Apply for temporary disability benefits through Worker’s Compensation by reporting your accident immediately to your employer (boss, foreman, supervisor, human resources department). Do not wait more than thirty days; otherwise, you risk denial.