Tips for Filing a Short-Term Disability Claim in Connecticut

Short-term disability in Connecticut helps many families weather a challenging financial storm while leaving others out in the rain.

The CT Paid Family Leave program replaces a portion of income for an employee’s serious medical condition, making it a de facto temporary disability benefit lasting twelve weeks. However, many people do not qualify.

Meanwhile, the Federal Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) covers short-term disabilities lasting at least twelve months, meaning individuals out of work for thirteen to fifty-two weeks get nothing.

Therefore, purchasing a supplemental policy to fill these gaps still makes sense. Act before becoming sick, hurt, or pregnant.

State of CT Benefits

The State of Connecticut manages two short-term disability programs that cover many employees for off-the-job accidents and illnesses. However, you could find yourself in one of two enormous coverage gaps.

  1. Your condition lasts four to eleven months
  2. You work for a non-contributing employer

State Application

The state of Connecticut’s short-term disability application is easy to find if you search by the correct name. The Paid Family Leave (CT-PFL) program covers an employee’s serious medical condition that prevents them from working.

Apply for CT temporary disability benefits at the state website.

You will need to complete two documents to qualify.

  1. Employment verification form
  2. Certification of serious health condition


Many Connecticut residents do not qualify for the state temporary disability program. You may be ineligible for benefits if you fall into one of these well-populated categories.


The short-term disability pay amount in CT follows a formula based on the minimum wage. Qualified applicants will receive 95% of their average weekly income, up to 60 times the Connecticut minimum wage.

Time PeriodMaximum Weekly Benefit
January 1, 2022$780
July 1, 2022$840
June 1, 2023$900


The CT-state short-term disability benefits last for only twelve weeks. However, pregnant women can take two extra weeks.

While these payments help many families stay afloat during difficult times, people with injuries and illnesses lasting longer than twelve or fourteen weeks might face financial catastrophe.

Federal Application

The state of Connecticut administers the federal Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, which covers temporary conditions that last at least twelve months. In other words, you might have to go for an extended period with zero dollars coming in if you recover too quickly.

Time Unable to WorkApplicable Program
Up to 3 monthsCT-PFL
4 to 11 monthsNone
12 + monthsSocial Security

SSDI covers short-term disability if your medical condition will prevent you from performing any work for at least one year.

Supplemental Coverage

Supplemental short-term disability insurance can fill the gaps in the two plans administered by the state of Connecticut. However, you must complete a new policy application policy before getting sick, hurt, or pregnant.

Pre-existing medical conditions can lead to denials for a new policy or a claim for benefits during the first year. Therefore, do not delay.

Private industry

If offered, Connecticut residents working in the private industry can purchase supplemental short-term disability through their employer. If not, buying an individual policy is the fallback option.

Obtain an individualized insurance quote to get started. An agent licensed in CT may contact you to provide a cost estimate and help you complete a new policy application.

Choose a plan with a three-month elimination period to keep the premiums affordable. You do not want overlapping benefits if you are eligible for state-sponsored coverage.

The elimination period defines how quickly the policy makes payments on approved claims.

State Government

The state of Connecticut offers voluntary short-term disability insurance to its government employees. Voluntary means that the state government employees pay the premiums via payroll deduction.

For guaranteed-issue coverage with no health questions, apply for a new policy during the annual open enrollment period or within 90 days of starting the job.

In addition to choosing a three-month elimination period, consider selecting a twenty-four-month benefit period to fill two gaps in the SSDI program.

  • Difficulty qualifying for benefits: SSDI requires that you be unable to perform any work, while a policy through a private insurer employs less stringent criteria: the duties of your full-time occupation.
  • Inadequate benefit levels: If approved, the average SSDI payment is only $1,258 per month, whereas you could receive up to $5,000 monthly via a policy through a private insurance company.