Five No-Cost Home Appliance Programs for Needy Families

Low-income families can find free white goods near their residences at local thrift stores, but they might be older units costing more to operate.

Appliance replacement programs might be a better alternative because you might receive a new energy-efficient model at no cost. Plus, the lifetime operating expenses are much lower.

The federal government strives to accomplish two goals simultaneously: assisting needy households and protecting the environment by reducing gas and electricity consumption.

It turns out that replacing old refrigerators, washers, dryers, and stoves with new energy-efficient units is a great way to meet both goals. Learn how to apply.

Appliance Replacement Programs

Low-income families can explore several free appliance replacement programs from various sources, such as the government, charities, and finance companies.


Several government programs can translate into free replacement appliances for low-income families. Federal grant money flows to state and county departments that administer the benefits or to rebate operations established at the point of sale.


The federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is the primary government initiative providing free household appliances to low-income families. The Department of Energy oversees WAP, which supports projects reducing electricity and gas consumption.

Apply for WAP through your state agency. A local contractor will conduct a home energy audit as the first step. The study may recommend upgrades, using a savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) to prioritize projects.

  1. Addition of insulation and weather stripping
  2. Upgrade inefficient heating and cooling units
  3. Replace outdated household appliances
  4. Drafty window and door upgrades
  5. Leaky roof repair and replacement
  6. Installation of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors


The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is an indirect government initiative that could lead to free appliance replacement. The Department of Health and Human Services administers LIHEAP, which primarily focuses on reducing utility bills (gas and electric).  

Apply for LIHEAP through your state agency to lower the total cost of ownership for any new or existing kitchen or laundry machines. Remember that operating expenses are an enormous part of the equation.

When you receive help paying for the energy that makes your refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, washer, or dryer run, you can more readily afford a new one!


The High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Act (HEEHRA) is a third government program that could provide free replacement of specific household appliances. (HEEHRA) provides point-of-sale assistance to enable low- and moderate-income consumers to electrify their homes.

HEEHRA provides up to $14,000 in rebates for purchasing and installing designated equipment to promote converting from gas to supposedly cleaner electricity.

  • Electric stove or cooktop ($840)
  • Heat pump clothes dryer ($840)
  • Upgraded circuit panels ($4,000)
  • Breaker box ($4,000)
  • Electric wiring improvements ($2,500)


CARES Act appliance vouchers are an indirect government initiative leading towards free refrigerators, stoves, washers, or dryers.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development issues the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) vouchers to Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) grantees that rehabilitate dilapidated housing for resale to low-income families.

NSP-eligible purchases include washers, dryers, dishwashers, stoves, refrigerators, and central air conditioning units. However, families must buy refurbished homes or apartments to take advantage of this.

Energy Star

Energy Star rebates are a government program that provides modest assistance toward purchasing household appliances that use less electricity or gas than their predecessors.

Products earning the Energy Star label meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) strict efficiency standards, reducing utility costs while protecting the planet.

Find appliance rebates in your local area on the Energy Star website. You will find allowances in your zip code and a listing of eligible refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, dryers, etc.


EBT-eligible appliances such as mini-fridges are a myth; even though they store food, they bring us to a critical concept: eligibility for these government initiatives. Low-income families qualifying for one benefit often automatically meet the criteria for others.

For instance, families using EBT cards for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) may automatically qualify for free refrigerators through WAP – if the savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) is sufficient.

Automatic eligibility holds for a recipient of these benefits as well.

  • TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
  • SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
  • Medicaid

For example, seniors meeting the low-income eligibility criteria often qualify for free appliances through these government programs, especially refrigerators, because they constantly run and consume more energy.

Seniors receive home repair assistance through WAP, LIHEAP, and HEEHRA. HVAC equipment also requires energy and older adults often need modifications to minimize fall risks.


Disabled individuals often meet the low-income criteria for these government programs, which leads to free appliances; the rules differ slightly depending on the benefit class.

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients often automatically qualify as their monthly benefit is small and must meet a $3,000 resource limit.
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients are often eligible provided their household income (including spouse and dependents) does not exceed the limits.  

Disabled individuals often receive home repair assistance through WAP, LIHEAP, and HEEHRA. The meager Social Security benefit check means they meet the low-income criteria and have specific health and safety needs.


Financing could represent a free household appliance replacement program for families who make too much money to qualify for government support or when other home improvements save more energy.

Appliance financing with no credit check can help you achieve this goal. If approved, you would pay for the energy-efficient unit in equal monthly installments, which become more affordable when you factor in the forecasted electricity or gas savings.

For instance, a new refrigerator priced at $1,000 works out to a $24 monthly payment spread over five years with a 15% interest rate. Subtract the average $18 per month electricity savings, and the net payment becomes only $6 – an affordable amount because the reduced utility bills continue for years after you retire the obligation.


Be careful when researching local charities that help with replacement appliances. You do not want to waste time. Many of these non-profit programs take in donated refrigerators, stoves, washers, and dryers and resell them to the public as a fundraising mechanism.

Salvation Army

Salvation Army Thrift Stores will gladly pick up used household appliances in working order and sell these donated units to the general public as a fundraising vehicle for its Adult Rehabilitation Centers.

We could find no evidence that the Salvation Army offers free equipment appliances to low-income families. However, you can buy used units at a low price at one of their thrift stores.

Habitat for Humanities

Habitat for Humanity Restores sells donated used appliances in working condition to raise money for their primary mission: building affordable new homes for low-income families.

Habitat for Humanity affiliates operate restores as a fundraising vehicle throughout the country, and low-cost units are available at these locations.

On the other hand, select Habitat for Humanity affiliates in specific regions offer free equipment exchanges funded through the government WAP endeavor noted above.


Churches that help with appliances will be hard to find because most houses of worship operate locally and focus most of their resources on serving members. You might need to broaden your search criteria.

Churches assisting with home repairs operate outreach ministries and mission trips to spread the gospel. One of the servants can fix a refrigerator, washer, or dryer.

Other churches might operate thrift stores where they accept used units and resell them to the public to fund other ministries.  

Free Refrigerator Programs

Low-income families find it easiest to qualify for free refrigerator and freezer programs because these kitchen appliances run twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. In other words, they consume more electricity than other units for meal preparation and cleanup.

Apply for a free refrigerator through WAP or your local utility company. The federal government prioritizes replacing older energy-inefficient refrigerators, making finding a free unit that consumes less electricity near you easier.


The refrigerator-freezer replacement programs for low-income families in California are available through several channels. A household can find assistance in specific areas.

Utility Companies

The California Energy Savings Assistance (CESA) program provides no-cost weatherization services to consumers meeting income limits. CESA operates primarily through energy providers to facilitate efficiency upgrades.

Apply for a free refrigerator via CESA by contacting your neighborhood’s electric company.

Pacific Gas & ElectricSouthern California Edison
San Diego Gas & ElectricBear Valley Electric
Liberty UtilitiesPacifiCorp

Metropolitan Areas

Low-income consumers in California can also access local city government-run programs. Of course, those living in populated metropolitan areas are most likely to find help.

Apply for a free refrigerator through LADPW (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power). In exchange for a qualified older unit, you can get a new energy-saving model.

Farm Workers

Farm workers in California may qualify for free refrigerators and other appliances that consume less energy than older units, such as washers, dryers, and HVAC equipment.

Apply for LIWAP Farmworker Housing Component benefits by contacting La Cooperativa Campesina de California and MAROMA Energy Services.


WAP is the primary refrigerator and freezer replacement initiative in Michigan. Like many other states, a local contractor visits your home to perform an energy audit before recommending improvements.

Apply for a free refrigerator in Michigan by contacting your region’s approved contractor. Utility companies such as DTE or Consumers Energy will refer you to the same list.


HWAP is Ohio’s primary refrigerator and freezer replacement program for low-income families. Buckeye State residents should contact the designated contractor in their county to schedule an energy audit and get started.

Apply for a free refrigerator in Ohio by contacting the HWAP-certified provider in your local area.


Mass Save is a refrigerator replacement program for low-income households in Massachusetts. Qualifying people living in single-family homes and 2-4-unit apartment buildings may be eligible for energy-efficient replacement equipment at no cost.

Apply for a free refrigerator in Massachusetts by contacting Mass Save to schedule a home energy audit. You might also qualify for other upgrades at no cost, including HVAC equipment, washers, dryers, and more.

Free Washer and Dryer Programs

Programs offering free washers and dryers will prove challenging to find because they consume less energy. These laundry room appliances do not run twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Heat Pump Dryers

HEEHRA is the primary program for low-income families to get free clothing dryers. The initiative offers $840 rebates to convert from gas-heated units to protect the environment.

The government deems heat pump clothes dryers more environmentally friendly because they use electricity rather than gas to remove moisture from shirts, pants, and socks.

Apply for the $840 heat pump dryer rebate at the point of sale. Remember that President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022, so it may take time for retailers to recognize the HEEHRA benefits.

Washing Machines

Low-income families are unlikely to find programs leading to free washing machines. These laundry room appliances never ran on gas, always used electricity, and will continue to do so in the future.

However, three government initiatives could reduce the lifetime ownership cost of a replacement washer for your clothing.

  1. Energy Star rebates of $100 could cut the purchase price of a new efficient washing machine
  2. LIHEAP might reduce energy costs to operate the washer
    1. Electricity charges to run the machine
    2. Gas expenses to heat the water
  3. LIHWAP (Low Income Household Water Assistance Program) could provide up to $5,000 towards past due water and sewer bills brought on partially by washing machine use

Free Stove Programs

Programs offering free stoves for low-income families will prove the hardest to find because they consume the least energy. The kitchen appliance sits idle most of the day and burns gas or electricity only during meal preparation.

Government kitchen remodeling incentives target energy usage, safety, and accessibility. Therefore, refrigerators, dishwashers, stoves, and ovens top the list, followed by adjustable cabinets and possible wiring upgrades.

Electric Stoves

HEEHRA is the primary free electric stove program for low-income families. The initiative offers $840 incentives to reduce gas use in homes.

Apply for HEEHRA electric stove rebates at the point of sale. Remember that this effort was brand new at publication and was part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). President Biden signed the IRA on August 16, 2022, and it may take time to iron out the details.

Gas Stoves

Low-income families are unlikely to find free gas stove programs as the government discourages burning fossil fuels in the home and wants people to migrate to electric appliances.

However, one initiative could help some.

Apply for LIHEAP to lower gas costs associated with your existing gas stove cooktop or replacement unit. You probably will not get help with the purchase, but it could reduce operating expenses over the unit’s lifespan.